Mothers support

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The mothers support designated an individual period in the law of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), in mothers after the maternity leave ( maternity leave ) from their employer for further required care their child continue to be paid, but were exempted.

Adoptive mothers, foster mothers and fathers could also be released from work to care for a child.

These periods were usually specified in the social security card of the GDR with from-to dates and referred to as "Mothers support (MU)" or "Exemption according to § 246 AGB".

Impact today

According to the Unification Treaty, the relevant regulations remained in force in the accession area for children born before January 1, 1991.

As in the cases of mothers supporting the link between pregnancy (own) maternity and post outage is missing, such times are in today's statutory pension insurance in the Federal Republic of Germany no creditable periods 1 1 within the meaning of § 252a para. Sentence 1 no. Sixth Book of the Social Code ( SGB ​​VI).