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Merkis ( M aßstabsorientierte E COHERENT R aumbezugsbasis for K ommunale I nformation s ystems) is from German Städtetag standard developed that used for topographical used data from municipalities, to make the data of various areas and municipalities comparable.

In order to prevent geometric inconsistencies from developing when processing geodata from different digitization bases, the German Association of Cities recommended in 1988 to its members to set up geographic information systems on three levels according to the MERKIS concept. The basis for this is the basic data of the surveying authorities. The uniform spatial reference base of MERKIS is thus the superordinate Gauß-Krüger national coordinate system .

MERKIS defines three independent scale-oriented spatial reference levels (RBE):

  • Basic level (scale 1: 500 / 1,000)
  • 1st next stage (scale 1: 2,500 / 5,000)
  • 2nd next stage (scale 1: 10,000 / 50,000)


  • Scale-oriented uniform spatial reference base for municipal information systems (MERKIS). German Association of Cities, Series E, DST contributions to urban development and environmental protection, Issue 15, Cologne 1988, ISBN 3-88082-110-0
  • Ralf Bill (Hrsg.): Municipal geographic information systems. Basic knowledge, practical reports and trends. (with CD-ROM), Heidelberg: Wichmann 2002, ISBN 3-87907-387-2