MOWSE (protein research)

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MOlecular Weight SEarch (MOWSE) is a method to determine proteins based on the molar mass of their peptides . This is determined by mass spectrometry .

The MOWSE algorithm was developed by Darryl Pappin and David Perkins at the British Imperial Cancer Research Fund and licensed from Cancer Research Technology. The probability-based MOWSE score formed the basis for the development of Mascot , a software for the identification of proteins using data from mass spectrometry.

Web links

  • Matrix Science Ltd: Scoring Schemes. In: 2010, accessed on June 14, 2011 (English, documentation on the procedure).

Individual evidence

  1. Pappin DJ, Hojrup P, Bleasby AJ: Rapid identification of proteins by peptide-mass fingerprinting . In: Curr. Biol . 3, No. 6, June 1993, pp. 327-32. doi : 10.1016 / 0960-9822 (93) 90195-T . PMID 15335725 .