Madai (Bible)

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Madai ( Hebrew מָדַי, ancient Greek Μαδαι ) was a son of Jafet according to Gen 10.2  EU , his brothers were Gomer , Magog , Jawan , Tubal , Meschech and Tiras .

He was the progenitor of the Madai people, who lived “at midnight”, that is, north of Israel. Madai is usually equated with the people of the Medes (Assyrian Madā).


  • E. Dhorme: Les Peuples issus de Japhet d'après le chapitre X de la Genèse. In: Syria 13/1, 1932, 28-49.

Individual evidence

  1. Erik J. Knudtzon: Assyrian prayers to the sun god , no 1, fasc. 4-5, rev. 9-10
  2. ^ Samuel Bochart : Geographia sacra seu Phaleg et Chanaan. Frankfurt 1681
  3. ^ J. Alberto Soggin: The Book of Genesis. Comment. Darmstadt 1997, p. 169.