Maeda Fumitomo

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Maeda Fumitomo ( Japanese 前 田 文友 ; * 1897 ; † 1965 ) was a Japanese mathematician.

Maeda was one of those who emerged from the mathematicians school founded by Kawai Jittaro and his pupil Sono Masazō at the Imperial University of Kyoto . Maeda taught at Hiroshima University.

He published monographs on lattice theory and continuous geometries (algebraic research areas initiated by John von Neumann in particular in the 1930s).


Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics, 2nd edition, MIT Press 1991, Volume 2, p. 1897 (person index)
  2. Information in his book Theory of Symmetric Lattices
  3. ^ Professor at Ehime University