Magdalena Wagnerová

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Magdalena Wagnerová

Magdalena Wagnerová (born August 28, 1960 in Prague , Czechoslovakia ), born Magdalena Prošková, is a Czech writer , screenwriter and editor .


Magdalena Wagnerová studied at the chair for screenwriting and dramaturgy with Ivan Osvald at the film and television faculty of the Academy of Musical Arts in Prague (FAMU). She wrote several scripts, radio plays and fairy tale series, e.g. B. the fairy tale bitter wine (Hořké víno), the series broadcast (as well as the feature film) Saturnin and others. She was the dramaturge of the international Winton Train commemoration project , which culminated on September 4, 2009 at Liverpool Street Station in London when the then hundred-year-old Sir Nicholas Winton met some of the Jewish children he had rescued.

Since 1995 Wagnerová has mainly devoted himself to writing books. In 2000 she founded a non-commercial book publisher Havran with Ivan Beránek, František Drtikol and Pavel Štefan , where she works as an editor and mainly publishes modern European prose in the kamikaze edition .

Wagnerová is the author of three novels and many fairy tale books. She was nominated for the Czech literature prize Magnesia Litera and Zlatá stuha (Golden Ribbon). Her books have also appeared in French, English, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian and Chinese. It is mentioned in many encyclopedias and specialist anthologies about Czech authors who write for children and young people.


Children's books

  • Pohádky pod polštář (The Pillow Tales ), Volvox Globator, Prague 1992
  • Vodníčkova dobrodružství ( Aquarius Adventure), Aventinum, Prague 1995
  • Proč? aneb Pohádky o rybách, ptácích a jiných zvířatech (Why? or fairy tales about fish, birds and other animals), Havran, Prague 2001
  • Modrá pohádka aneb Kachna namodro (The Blue Fairy Tale or the Blue Duck), Mladá fronta, Prague 2002
  • Proto! aneb Pohádky o muchomůrkách, pečených husách a jiných důležitých věcech (Therefore! or fairy tales about toadstools, roast geese and other important things), Havran, Prague 2002
  • Jablečňák (Little Grub), Brio, Prague 2003
  • Pes moudřejší člověka (On the dog that is smarter than its master), Plot, Prague 2004
  • Žabina & spol. (Algae Blossom & Co.), Brio, Prague 2005
  • Karel. Pohádka o našem deštníku (Charles. The Umbrella Tale ), Dybbuk, Prague 2006
  • Záhada č. 28 (Secret No. 28), Havran, Prague 2007
  • Hlupýš (The Dumbling ), Mladá fronta, Prague 2009
  • Krys Veliký (The Big Rat), Dybbuk, Prague 2010
  • Ryba Chyba (The Puckerfish), Havran, Prague 2012
  • Od A do Zet. Abeceda Magdaleny Wagnerové (From A to Zet. The Alphabet by Magdalena Wagnerová), Triton, Prague / Kroměříž 2014
  • Perenda (Perenda), Plot, Prague 2015
  • Malý lesní průvodce (The Little Forest Guide), JAS, Prague 2015
  • Malý podvodní průvodce (The Little Underwater Guide ), JAS, Prague 2017
  • Plamínek ; 10 pohádkových knih (The Flame; 10 books of fairy tales), Plot, Prague 2017–2019

Adult books

  • Pavouk na šalvěji (spider on sage); literary travesty, Dybbuk, Prague 2003
  • Strom s granátovými jablky (The pomegranate tree); literary travesty, Havran, Prague 2004
  • Papíří (paper fluff ); Roman, Dybbuk, Prague 2005
  • Krajina nedělní (Sunday landscape ); Roman, Kniha Zlín, Zlín 2010
  • Rodinná anamnéza (family history); Roman, Havran, Prague 2015


  • Winton Train. Po sedmdesáti letech znovu do Londýna. (Winton Train. Back in London after seventy years); Co-author: Milan Vodička, Z film & Havran, Prague 2009
  • Pověsti staré Prahy (Legends from Old Prague), Plot, Prague 2007
  • Pražská strašidla a všemožná jiná zjevení (Prague ghosts and all possible and impossible apparitions), Plot, Prague 2010
  • Pražská domovní znamení vyprávějí (Prague house signs tell a story), Plot, Prague 2011
  • Příběhy starých pražských domů (Tales of Old Prague Houses), Plot, Prague 2013
  • Příběhy ze staré židovské Prahy (Stories from Old Jewish Prague), Plot, Prague 2015
  • Prague město žen (Prague, the city of women), Plot, Prague 2017
  • Hlavní role: Prague (Prague in the main role), Havran, Prague 2018
  • Tajemství zřícenin v Čechách a na Moravě (Secrets of the Ruins in Bohemia and Moravia), Plot, Prague 2011
  • Tajemná historie hradů v Čechách a na Moravě (The Mysterious History of Castles in Bohemia and Moravia), Plot, Prague 2012
  • Příběhy zámků v Čechách a na Moravě. Jeviště života šlechtického (Tales of Castles in Bohemia and Moravia. The Nobles' Stage), Plot, Prague 2014
  • Příběhy zámků v Čechách a na Moravě II. Po stopách modré krve (Tales of Castles in Bohemia and Moravia II. On the Trail of Blue Blood), Plot, Prague 2016

Web links

Commons : Magdalena Wagnerová  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Magdalena Wagnerová , short curriculum vitae on the portal Portál české literatury, online (archived) at: / ...
  2. a b Milena Šubrtová: Magdalena Wagnerová , curriculum vitae on the portal, online at: / ...
  3. Winton Train. Po sedmdesáti letech znovu do Londýna , report on the Winton Train campaign, ArtForum portal, online at: / ...
  4. Magdalena Wagnerová , short curriculum vitae on the portal of the Kniha Zlín publishing house, online at: / ...
  5. Jistá smrt. Paseka, literární příloha čas, in Babylon, vol. XIX, no. 7, page. VI. (Czech)
  6. authors: Slovník autorů literatury pro děti a mládež , keyword Wagnerová Magdalena, published by Libri, Prague 2012, pp 443-445
  7. Ivana Hutařová: Současní čeští spisovatelé knih pro děti a mládež , keyword Magdalena Wagnerová, Ústav pro informace ve vzdělávání, Prague 2007, pp. 104-108
  8. Milena Šubrtová: Pohádkové příběhy v české literatuře pro děti a mládež. Pohádkové travestie jako žánrová inovace v současné pohádce , ed. from Masarykova univerzita, Brno 2011, pp. 187–195