Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends / Episode List

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This episode list contains all the episodes of the Italian youth - Dramedy Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends , sorted by the Italian first broadcast . The television series comprises three seasons with 78 episodes, two special episodes with double length and two best-ofs , each of which summarizes the first two seasons.


Season Episodes First broadcast in Italy First publication in German
Season premiere Season finale Season premiere Season finale
1 26th 29th August 2016 September 28, 2016 19th June 2017 July 21, 2017
2 26th January 11, 2017 18th February 2017 July 24, 2017 August 25, 2017
Best ofs 2 September 14, 2017 15th September 2017 5th January 2018 February 6, 2018
Special consequences 2 16th September 2017 17th September 2017 - -
3 26th 18th September 2017 2nd December 2017 19th March 2018 April 28, 2018

season 1

The first broadcast of the first season was from August 29 to September 28, 2016 on the Italian broadcaster Rai Gulp . The German-language premiere took place from June 19 to July 21, 2017 on the Disney Channel . The first episode was published in advance on June 18, 2017 on the German YouTube channel of the Disney Channel.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in Italy German language first broadcast (D / A / CH)
1 1 A dream becomes true Il mio sogno 29 Aug 2016 19th June 2017
2 2 A new home Peggiori amiche Aug 30, 2016 20th June 2017
3 3 Every beginning is difficult Primo giorno di scuola 31 Aug 2016 June 21, 2017
4th 4th The crucial photo Fotografare la moda Sep 1 2016 22nd June 2017
5 5 The most beautiful day Il giorno più bello Sep 2 2016 23rd June 2017
6th 6th Lucky charm missing! May senza il portafortuna 3rd Sep 2016 June 26, 2017
7th 7th Modeling has to be learned Modella per un giorno 4th Sep 2016 June 27, 2017
8th 8th Valentine's day Impossibile sfuggire all'amore 5th Sep 2016 June 28, 2017
9 9 Role reversal Nei suoi panni 6 Sep 2016 June 29, 2017
10 10 Save the Milky Way! Il ricatto Sep 7 2016 June 30, 2017
11 11 The big test I predatori dell'esame perduto 8 Sep 2016 3rd July 2017
12 12 Fashion legends Il fantasma dell'accademia Sep 9 2016 4th July 2017
13 13 music connects Il concerto perfetto Sep 10 2016 5th July 2017
14th 14th Jealousy and misunderstanding Il passato che torna 22 Sep 2016 6th July 2017
15th 15th Miracles happen Miss Venice 23 Sep 2016 7th July 2017
16 16 The school anniversary Anniversario della scuola 23 Sep 2016 July 10, 2017
17th 17th It's a question of style Questione di stile Sep 24 2016 11th July 2017
18th 18th The elections Le elezioni Sep 24 2016 July 12, 2017
19th 19th The one that I trust Mi fido di ... 25 Sep 2016 July 13, 2017
20th 20th No mask, no party! Niente maschera, niente festa! 25 Sep 2016 July 14, 2017
21st 21st CoolGhost Nessuno dica "CoolGhost" 26 Sep 2016 17th July 2017
22nd 22nd The first casting La prima sfida 26 Sep 2016 18th July 2017
23 23 The semifinals La semifinale 27 Sep 2016 19th July 2017
24 24 Fashion or music? Fai la cosa giusta 27 Sep 2016 20th July 2017
25th 25th The big lockart Il grande Lockart 28 Sep 2016 July 21, 2017
26th 26th The final fashion show La grande sfilata 28 Sep 2016 July 21, 2017

season 2

The first broadcast of the second season was from January 11 to February 18, 2017 on the Italian broadcaster Rai Gulp . The German-language first broadcast took place from July 24th to August 25th 2017 on the Disney Channel.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in Italy German language first broadcast (D / A / CH)
27 1 New school year, new luck? Un inizio da ... incubo Jan. 11, 2017 July 24, 2017
28 2 The world of fashion bloggers Il popolo dei fashion blogger Jan. 11, 2017 July 25, 2017
29 3 opposites I poli opposti Jan. 12, 2017 July 26, 2017
30th 4th Something to do with Go.Zy. Qualcosa di Go.Zy. Jan. 12, 2017 July 27, 2017
31 5 The hidden talent Il talento nascosto Jan. 13, 2017 28th July 2017
32 6th Nothing but trouble! Ai ferri corti Jan. 13, 2017 July 31, 2017
33 7th Everyone has their story A ognuno la sua storia Jan. 14, 2017 Aug 1, 2017
34 8th Cavaliers and Princesses Cavalieri e principesse Jan. 14, 2017 2nd Aug 2017
35 9 On the other hand Il retro del book Jan 15, 2017 3rd Aug 2017
36 10 Superpowers Super poteri Jan 15, 2017 4th Aug 2017
37 11 Mission friendship Missione amicizia Jan. 16, 2017 7 Aug 2017
38 12 That certain something Questioni di particolari Jan. 16, 2017 8 Aug 2017
39 13 The big gala Il gran gala Jan. 17, 2017 9 Aug 2017
40 14th Disputes Lontano dai guai Feb 12, 2017 10 Aug 2017
41 15th Where's bianca? Bianca dov'è? Feb 13, 2017 11 Aug 2017
42 16 The reality show Reality Feb 13, 2017 14 Aug 2017
43 17th Strangers in the academy Estranei in accademia Feb. 14, 2017 15 Aug 2017
44 18th Future music Intorno al futuro Feb. 14, 2017 16 Aug 2017
45 19th Think positive! #staypositive Feb. 15, 2017 17th Aug 2017
46 20th Mama on the march Mamma in arrivo! Feb. 15, 2017 18 Aug 2017
47 21st Creative chaos Caos creativo 16 Feb 2017 21 Aug 2017
48 22nd Natural beauty Non c'è trucco senza inganno 16 Feb 2017 22 Aug 2017
49 23 Bad is the new good Peggio è il nuovo meglio 17th Feb 2017 23 Aug 2017
50 24 Second try Provaci ancora, Maggie! 17th Feb 2017 24 Aug 2017
51 25th Strange family Una strana famiglia Feb. 18, 2017 25 Aug 2017
52 26th The musical Il musical Feb. 18, 2017 25 Aug 2017

Best ofs

On September 14 and 15, 2017, two best-ofs for the series were broadcast on Rai Gulp. Each best-of sums up one of the first two seasons and is about twice the length of an episode. The German-language publication took place on the official YouTube channel for the series in two parts.

No. German title Original title First broadcast in Italy German language first publication (D / A / CH)
1 A great Go.Zy. Year! Un anno super Go.Zy. 29 Aug 2016 Jan. 5, 2018 (part 1)
Jan. 9, 2018 (part 2)
2 A stage between dream and reality Un palco tra sogno e realtà Aug 30, 2016 Feb. 2, 2018 (part 1)
Feb 6, 2018 (part 2)

Special consequences

On September 16 and 17, 2017, two special episodes of the series were broadcast on Rai Gulp. Each special tells its own story before the events of the third season and is about twice the length of an episode. A German-language publication is not known.

No. German title Original title First broadcast in Italy German language first broadcast (-)
1 - Ricordi in vendita 16 Sep 2017 -
2 - Operazione Parigi 17 Sep 2017 -

season 3

The third season premiered on Rai Gulp from September 18 to December 2, 2017. It premiered in German on the Disney Channel from March 19 to April 27, 2018. From episode 17, the broadcast only took place at around midnight in the evening, which led to a difference in the program schedule between television day and calendar day . The first three episodes of the third season were shown on March 18, 2018 in selected Cineplex cinemas in Germany.

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in Italy German language first broadcast (D / A / CH)
53 1 A new year full of surprises! Anno nuovo, vita inaspettata! Sep 18 2017 19 Mar 2018
54 2 Get to work Al lavoro Sep 18 2017 20 Mar 2018
55 3 Magical childhood Magica infanzia 19 Sep 2017 21 Mar 2018
56 4th Tips and Tricks Consigli e bisbigli 19 Sep 2017 22 Mar 2018
57 5 Rumor mill Voci di corridoio Sep 20 2017 26th Mar 2018
58 6th Matter of opinion Point of view Sep 20 2017 27 Mar 2018
59 7th Be yourself! Sii semper te stesso! 21 Sep 2017 28 Mar 2018
60 8th Congratulations, Bianca! Buon compleanno Bianca! 21 Sep 2017 29 Mar 2018
61 9 Food and fashion Sorprendere di gusto! 22 Sep 2017 Apr 2, 2018
62 10 Fashionable surprise Non aprite quel pacco! 22 Sep 2017 Apr 3, 2018
63 11 Pajamas to dream about Un pigiama per sognare 25 Sep 2017 Apr 4, 2018
64 12 Happy too early Ottimismo in prestito 25 Sep 2017 April 5, 2018
65 13 Difficult choices Scelte difficili! 26 Sep 2017 9 Apr 2018
66 14th Deceit and remorse Tradimenti e pentimenti Nov 26, 2017 10 Apr 2018
67 15th The perfect essence Ritorno al profumo Nov 27, 2017 Apr 11, 2018
68 16 On the front page In copertina Nov 27, 2017 Apr 12, 2018
69 17th Nobody is perfect Nessuno è perfetto! Nov 28, 2017 April 15, 2018
70 18th On the trail of the secret Sulle tracce del mistero Nov 28, 2017 April 15, 2018
71 19th An uninvited guest Un ospite indesiderato! Nov 29, 2017 April 20, 2018
72 20th Zen and dolls Zen e puppet! Nov 29, 2017 Apr 21, 2018
73 21st From old to new Segreti di carta Nov 30, 2017 Apr 21, 2018
74 22nd race against time Corsa contro il tempo! Nov 30, 2017 Apr 21, 2018
75 23 Princesses training Una scenografia professionale Dec. 1, 2017 Apr 22, 2018
76 24 The princess and the toad La principessa e il rospo! Dec. 1, 2017 Apr. 27, 2018
77 25th The student of the year Una scelta alternativa Dec 2, 2017 April 28, 2018
78 26th The last show Credere all'incredibile! Dec 2, 2017 April 28, 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b episode overview . Retrieved February 17, 2019. 
  2. MAGGIE & BIANCA Fashion Friends ? EPISODE 1 in full length | NEW on Disney Channel. In: YouTube . June 18, 2017. Retrieved February 17, 2019.
  3. Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends | Best of [Season 1 - Part 1. ] In: YouTube. January 5, 2018, accessed February 18, 2019.
  4. Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends | Best of [Season 1 - Part 2. ] In: YouTube. January 9, 2018, accessed February 18, 2019.
  5. Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends | Best of [Season 2 - Part 1. ] In: YouTube. February 2, 2018, accessed February 18, 2019.
  6. Maggie & Bianca Fashion Friends | Best of [Season 2 - Part 2. ] In: YouTube. February 6, 2018, accessed February 18, 2019.
  7. La nuova serie 3 e tutti gli appuntamenti in TV da non perdere! In: Retrieved February 18, 2019.
  8. Maggie & Bianca Season 3 Preview at Cineplex. In: Retrieved February 17, 2019.