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Maharbal , a Numidian prince, was an officer of the Carthaginian general Hannibal in the Second Punic War . He was Hannibal's deputy at the siege of Sagunto in 219 BC. BC and emerged in the further course of the war against the Romans mainly as a cavalry leader, for example before the battle on the Ticinus (218 BC) and after the battle of Lake Trasimeno (217 BC). In the battle of Cannae he commanded the Carthaginians on the right wing. After their victory he asked Hannibal to march against Rome immediately. When the Carthaginian general refused, Maharbal is said to have replied: "You know how to win, Hannibal, but not how to exploit victory". Maharbal becomes after the year 216 BC. No longer mentioned in the sources.


Individual evidence

  1. Livius : Ab urbe condita , 22, 51, 2: vincere scis, Hannibal, victoria uti nescis ; similar with numerous other authors.