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Makao , Macao or Evil Nine is a simple dice game with a single dice and a dice cup for any number of players. It is a game in which the other players must reach a certain value in their throws and are not allowed to exceed it, in this it is similar to other dice games such as over 12 is dead or fifteen as well as the card games seventeen and four and blackjack . It is derived from the Macao card game of the same name , a possible forerunner of the popular baccarat game . As with this, the name of the game is derived from the city of Macau , the "Monte Carlo of the East".

In game collections with dice, Makao or similar games are regularly included in the relevant rulebooks.

Style of play

Makao is played with a single dice and dice cup.

The game is played in turn. Each player rolls the dice as often as he wants, trying to get as close to the total of nine as possible. Any player who rolls more points is "dead" and eliminated. The winner is the player who comes closest to the number without exceeding it or hits it exactly.

The target total can be varied, in the game Fifteen it is set at 15 points with the same rules. If over 12 is dead , the total to be reached is twelve and the players each have to roll the dice three times, after which they can voluntarily dare a fourth roll.

As with similar games, the tactics and risk tolerance of the players is crucial. The later players in a round also have the advantage of already knowing the throws of the other players and can make their decision regarding additional throws dependent on it.

supporting documents

  1. a b “Macao” In: Claus Voigt, Helmut Steuer: The great Humboldt game book. Schlütersche, 2004; P. 59. ( Google Books )
  2. ^ "Böse Nine" In: Friedrich Pruss: Dice games. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 12. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 . (Pruss describes the game under two names with almost identical rules)
  3. a b "Makao" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 401.
  4. a b c "Makao" In: Friedrich Pruss: Würfelspiele. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 9. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .
  5. a b "About 12 is dead" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 401.
  6. ^ A b "Fifteen" In: Robert E. Lembke : The large house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; Pp. 244-245.


  • “Makao” In: Erhard Gorys : The Book of Games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 401.
  • "Makao" In: Friedrich Pruss: Dice Games . Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 9. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .
  • "Fifteen" In: Robert E. Lembke : The great house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; Pp. 244-245.