Makedonsko Sonce

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Makedonsko Sonce
Македонско Сонце
description weekly news magazine
language Macedonian
publishing company MPM, Axel Springer Verlag (North Macedonia)
First edition June 24, 1994
Frequency of publication weekly
Sold edition 6-8 thousand copies
Web link

Makedonsko Sonce ( Cyrillic Македонско Сонце ? / I ) is a weekly news magazine from North Macedonia . The name means Macedonian sun and refers to the sun of Vergina , which can also be found in the magazine's logo. The magazine was founded by Gjorgija "George" Atanasoski and the first issue appeared on June 24, 1994. The nationalist magazine describes its political orientation as affirming "the values ​​of the Macedonian people, not only in North Macedonian territory, but also in other parts of ethnic Macedonia. " Audio file / audio sample

References and footnotes

  1. description in the media database of Mondo Times (English)
  2. In German better - but less precisely - known as "Stern von Vergina". Details in the corresponding article.
  3. Christian Voss: Irredentism as a historical self-design: Scientific discourse and state symbolism in the Republic of Macedonia . In: State symbolism and historical culture (=  Eastern Europe ). 53rd year, no. 7/2003 , The Star of Vergina and the Macedonian Diaspora, p. 954 .
  4. History of the publication on the official website ( Memento of the original from May 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Macedonian and English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /