Male (Belgium)

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Male is a former place and now a neighborhood in Sint-Kruis , a district of Bruges , the capital of the province of West Flanders in Belgium . It is located between the center of Sint-Kruis and Sijsele , a district of Damme . The place consists of a small historical core that is grouped around the castle of the same name, which in turn is the birthplace of Ludwig von Male , Count of Flanders .

Male Castle dates back to the 9th century and was initially one of Bruges' defensive towers against the Vikings . Male was owned by Philip of Alsace , Count of Flanders from 1168 to 1191, who replaced the wooden buildings with stone ones. A chapel was added during the expansion, which was consecrated in 1166 by the exiled Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket . The castle became the residence of the Counts of Flanders, but also a fortress in a highly contested location: occupied by French troops, recaptured by the city of Bruges in early 1302, torn down by Ghent soldiers in 1382, rebuilt and looted again in 1453. Male burned down in 1473 and was rebuilt again. These buildings are the ones that can be seen today. In 1490, Male was sacked one last time by the troops of the Count of Nassau.

When Flanders was integrated into the Burgundian state, Male retained its importance. King Philip II of Spain sold the citadel to Juan Lopez Gallo in 1558.

The castle was damaged in both world wars, restored and has served as a convent since 1954.

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Coordinates: 51 ° 13 ′  N , 3 ° 17 ′  E