Painters group 1923

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The painter group 1923 was a naturalistic and impressionistic artist group founded in 1923 in Kassel .

The painter group in 1923 was founded in the same year as the Kassel artist group " The Five ". In contrast to the group “The Five”, she had no progressive artistic position. The founding members included the painters Heinrich Dersch , Friedrich Fennel , Walter Schliephacke , Gerhard Schnell , Max Schröder , the painter Lola Schwarzenberg , Rudolf Siegmund and the sculptor Franz H. Wachsmuth . In 1924 the group of artists exhibited together for the first time at the KasselerKunstVerein in Kassel.


  • Helmut Kramm: One hundred years of the Kunstverein zu Kassel - one hundred years of the Kurhessischer Kunstverein - history of its exhibitions . Kassel, 1935, ISBN 3-923461-14-3 , p. 69.
  • Ulrich Schmidt: Karl Leyhausen . Repro + Druck Boxan, Kassel, 1995, p. 24 OCLC 249304005 .

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Kramm: Hundred Years of Art Association in Kassel - Hundred Years of Kurhessischer Kunstverein - history of its exhibitions . Kassel, 1935, p. 69
  2. ^ Ulrich Schmidt: Karl Leyhausen . Repro + Druck Boxan, Kassel 1995 p. 24