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Malvertising (a portmanteau of " malware ," malicious software , and "Advertising" Advertising ) is a way to order via computer networks malicious programs to spread. On the surface, harmless Internet advertising serves as a vehicle for executing or reloading program code. For some of the attack options, the user does not even have to click on the advertisement to infect their computer (so-called drive-by download ).

The advantage for the attacker is that he does not have to bring the server through which the malware is spread under his control. He only has to trust that the website operator or the advertising network does not thoroughly check the functionality of the advertising content, which is often impossible due to a lack of resources or a lack of technical expertise. Serious websites - such as those from Reuters , BBC News , MSN , Yahoo , Youtube or the New York Times - have also been affected in the past.

Protection against malvertising, suitable browser extensions such as the Adblocker ublock Origin represent that as the loading and execution of advertising content web tracking , cross-site scripting and the like stop.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Firefox: uBlock Origin - Firefox Compendium Part 2 , Mike Kuckets: KUCKETS-IT-SECURITY, March 28, 2018, accessed November 26, 2018
  2. Malvertising: Attack by Advertising , Gonzalo Torres, AVG Technologies , July 17, 2018, accessed November 26, 2018