Manlio Argueta

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Manlio Argueta, 2019

Manlio Argueta (born November 24, 1935 in San Miguel / El Salvador ) is a Salvadoran writer, poet, literary scholar and university lecturer.

He is part of the so-called Generación comprometida , a literary group created by Italo López Vallecillos (1932–1986) together with Roque Dalton (1935–1975), Álvaro Menen Desleal (1931–2000), Waldo Chávez Velasco (* 1932), Irma Lanzas (* 1933), Orlando Fresedo (* 1932), Mercedes Durand (1932–1998), Ricardo Bogrand (* 1930) and Mauricio de la Selva .

Due to the political situation in El Salvador, Argueta was forced to live in exile in Costa Rica from 1972 to 1993 . Currently (2015) he is the head of the national library.


  • El Valle de las Hamacas , 1969, Premio Único Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA), Costa Rica, first published in Buenos Aires 1970.
  • Caperucita en la zona roja ( Little Red Riding Hood in the Red Light District ), Premio Latinoamericano de novela, Casa de las Américas 1978. An English translation was published under the title Little red riding hood in the red light district , Curbstone Press, Connecticut, USA, 1999.
  • Un día en la vida , 1980, has been translated into 15 languages; the German version was published by Peter Hammer in Wuppertal in 1984 under the title Days of the Nightmare. Roman from El Salvador . The work is considered to be one of the most important Spanish-language novels of the 20th century.
  • Cuzcatlán donde bate la Mar del Sur was also translated into English and German ( Cuzcatlán. Am Meer des Südens , Schmetterling 1999). Documentary filmmaker Jane Ryder produced the documentary Cuzcatlán Stories in 1989 , which was broadcast in various languages ​​on European television channels.
  • Milagro de la Paz , English translation A Place Called Milagro , 2000.
  • Siglo de O (g) ro , Depto. de Publicaciones de CONCULTURA, San Salvador, 2000. The English translation is entitled Once upon a time (Bomb) .
  • Poesía Completa de Manlio Argueta , Editorial Hispamérica, Universidad de Maryland.
  • Los Poetas del Mal , publication announced.
  • El Sexto Muro , previously unpublished, Premio fundación Guggenheim de Nueva York.
  • Franciscana , previously unpublished.


  • Najem Wali : War and Revolution? No thanks! Some deal with the political conflicts of the past, others do not want to hear any more about it. How the self-image of writers in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua is changing , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of November 14, 2015, p. 22.

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