Manuchehr Jamali

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Manuchehr Jamali (born January 7, 1929 in Aran near Kaschan, Iran; † July 5, 2012 in Málaga, Spain) was an Iranian philosopher and writer who lived in exile in the United States . He was best known for his analyzes of the Shahnameh of Firdausi and for his research on ancient Iranian mythology. Burgwinkel has compiled a comprehensive overview of the content and works.

German language works

  • Thinking begins with laughing: the immortal culture of Iran , co-author Gita Yegane Arani-May , Kurmali Press 2009


  1. Burgwinkel, Bea (2007) Manuchehr Jamali, The Obstinate Iranian Thinker (PDF; 132 kB).

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