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Manuduction ( lat. Manus "hand" and ductus "leadership") is the Danish (up to the 19th century) common term for (private) teaching (cf. tutorial ) of students as accompaniment to university courses. The aim of the manuduction carried out by a Manuduktør ( Danish Manuduktør) is mostly to prepare the students for the exam (see revision course ). The induction can also be carried out as a private induction for individuals. For example, at the University of Copenhagen, the Danish theologian Hans Lassen Martensen (1808–1884) was the manager Sören Kierkegaards (1813–1855) on Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher's (1768–1834) doctrine in the spring of 1834 ; At the same time as Martensen, the Icelandic theologian Magnús Eiríksson (1806–1881) worked as a manager from 1838 to 1847.

See also