Manus Barn Owl

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Manus Barn Owl
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Barn Owls (Tytonidae)
Subfamily : Barn Owls (Tytoninae)
Genre : Barn Owls ( Tyto )
Type : Manus Barn Owl
Scientific name
Tyto manusi
Rothschild & Hartert , 1914
Admiralty Islands with Manus

The Manus barn owl ( Tyto manusi ) is a species from the genus of barn owls that occurs only on the island of Manus, northeast of New Guinea. Similar to the Tanimbar Barn Owl, the species is considered to be very rare and its population may be threatened. It was last observed in 1934.


The Manus barn owl reaches a height of about 41 to 46 centimeters. The females are generally slightly larger than the males and resemble the New Holland owl in their appearance . The Manus barn owl has the typical heart-shaped face of the barn owls. The top of the body is gray-brown with white and black spots. The underside of the body is whitish and becomes pale ocher in the lower abdomen. The breast is spotted brown. Nothing is known about the sound repertoire of this type of barn owl. Their habitat seems to be rainforests. Claus König suspects that it occurs mainly at higher altitudes on the island. Their food spectrum is small mammals and other small vertebrates. Presumably larger insects also belong to their range of prey. Nothing is known about the reproductive biology of this species.

supporting documents

Single receipts

  1. a b c König et al., P. 223


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