Marcard, Stein & Co

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  Marcard, Stein & Co AG
Registered office at Ballindamm 36 in Hamburg
Registered office at Ballindamm 36 in Hamburg
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Seat Hamburg
legal form Aktiengesellschaft (since 2007)
Bank code 200 304 00
founding 1790
Business data 2017
Total assets 162.1 million euros
Employee 67
Offices 1
Board Thomas R. Fischer (Speaker)
Thomas Borghardt
Supervisory board Christian Olearius (Chairman)

Marcard, Stein & Co AG is a traditional Hamburg private bank that is now part of the MMWarburg & CO bank .

Marcard, Stein & Co has specialized exclusively in the activity as a family office and provides all the tools that are required for the holistic management of complex family assets. The bank is also the paying and information agent for more than 300 foreign investment funds from Luxembourg, Ireland, France and other countries. Marcard, Stein & Co is subject to banking supervision and is a member of the deposit protection fund of the Federal Association of German Banks.

The bank has 67 employees at its headquarters in Hamburg.


The company's predecessors were the banking house JH Stein , which had its origins in Cologne in 1790, and the fund brokerage house Marcard & Co. The latter goes back to the company N. Delmonte & Co, founded in 1893. In 1923 Baron Enno von Marcard joined the company as a stock exchange trader, in 1932 he became a partner and in 1936 a personally liable partner. Five years later the house was renamed Marcard & Co. The head office has been at Ballindamm 36 in Hamburg since 1953 .

In 1982 the Parisian Banque Indosuez (today: Crédit Agricole ) took over Marcard & Co., in 1985 the banking house JH Stein and merged it in 1987 to Marcard, Stein & Co. With the takeover by the Hamburg private bank MMWarburg & Co in July 1998 a fundamental realignment followed of the business areas.

legal form

In September 2007, the bank changed from the original legal form of a limited partnership to a stock corporation and has since been trading as Marcard, Stein & Co AG.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Master data of the credit institute at the Deutsche Bundesbank
  2. Research on

Coordinates: 53 ° 33 ′ 8.4 ″  N , 9 ° 59 ′ 45.9 ″  E