Marcelo Cattani

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Marcelo Cattani (born October 10, 1967 in Salto , Uruguay ) is a Uruguayan photographer.

Cattani began to take up photography at the age of 14 and from the age of 17 worked as a photographer for the Saltensian daily newspaper Cambio . He now works as a freelancer for various publications (including El País , El Telégrafo ) and does studio work for advertising agencies. In addition, Cattani, who lives in Salto, leads photography workshops in his hometown and in Artigas .

Since 1987 various prizes and awards have been recorded for Cattani, who has held exhibitions of his work in Salto, Artigas, Paysandú, Rocha and Montevideo since 1991.

Awards (excerpt)

  • 1987: First prize in the competition for the 115th anniversary of the Instituto Politécnico Osimani y Llerena (IPOLL)
  • 1998: First prize at the Bienal de la Costa Argentina-Uruguay with his work Dos Mundos
  • 1998: First prize from Foto Martín and Shopping Tres Cruces in Montevideo
  • 1998: First prize of the Junta Departamental von Salto / Bienal de Salto
  • 1999: Honorable mention at the Bienal de la Costa
  • 2000: First prize from the Cooperativa Bancaria of Montevideo
  • 2001: Mention of the Liga Marítima de Montevideo


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