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The MARIANISMO , in the sociological sense is understood as a stereotype, which differs from the Catholic cult of Marian devotion derives and in Latin America, "the opposite phenomenon to as machismo " appears.


The concept comes from anthropological literature and was used to describe female behavior in Latin American cultures. According to this concept, women are spiritually superior to men and make extreme sacrifices for the good of the family. It is through this sacrifice that women gain respect and admiration in traditional societies. The underlying role ideal corresponds to that of Mary , with a strong appreciation of virginity and chastity . The social status of women increases through motherhood .

In feminist discourse, the term was coined by the American author Evelyn P. Stevens and is often used in literature. According to Stevens is

“..The Marianismo a cult on the superiority of female spirituality, which regards women as demigoddesses, morally superior and spiritually stronger than men. This spiritual power evokes self-denial, that is, the inexhaustible power of goodness and willingness to make sacrifices. "

- Evelyn P. Stevens


  • Evelyn P. Stevens: Marianismo. The Other Face of Machismo in Latin America. In: Ann Pescatelo: Female and Male in Latin America. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1973.
  • Jorge Villegas, Jennifer Lemanski and Carlos Valdéz: Marianismo and Machismo: The Portrayal of Females in Mexican TV Commercials . In: Journal of International Consumer Marketing . 22, No. 4, 2010, pp. 327-346. doi : 10.1080 / 08961530.2010.505884
  • Dannie Kjeldgaard and Kaj Storgaard Nielsen: Glocal gender identities in market places of transition: MARIANISMO and the consumption of the telenovela Rebelde . In: Marketing Theory . 10, No. 1, 2010, pp. 29-44. doi : 10.1177 / 1470593109355249
  • Karen T. D'Alonzo and Manoj Sharma: The influence of marianismo beliefs on physical activity of mid ‐ life immigrant Latinas: a Photovoice study . In: Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise . 2, No. 2, 2010, pp. 229-249. doi : 10.1080 / 19398441.2010.488031
  • David Sequeira: The machismo and marianismo tango . Dorrance Publishing, Pittsburgh 2009, ISBN 978-1-4349-0133-0 .

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  1. ^ Zaira Ary, Masculino y Femenino en el Imaginario Católico: De la Acción Católica a la Teología de la Liberación , Annablume Editora, São Paulo 2000.
  2. Sana Loue, Martha Šajatović: Encyclopedia of Women's Health . Springer, 2004, p. 385f
  3. ^ Evelyn P. Stevens, "Marianismo: La otra cara del machismo en Latino-América"; in: Ann Pescatelo, Hembra y macho en Latinoamérica: Ensayos. México, ed. Diana. 1977, p. 123.