Marianne Rodenstein

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Marianne Rodenstein (born June 28, 1942 in Braunschweig ) is a German sociologist and urban and gender researcher


Marianne Rodenstein grew up in Wolfenbüttel and Hamburg and after a one-year stay in Buenos Aires studied sociology, economics and economic history at the LMU in Munich. She graduated in 1968 with a diploma in sociology. Together with Herbert Grymer and Thomas Krämer-Badoni, she founded the research center for traffic-sociological research in Munich, before she received a doctorate and then a research grant at the Max Planck Institute for research into the living conditions of the technical-scientific world in the Habermas division in Starnberg in 1972 . In 1976 Rodenstein received his doctorate from the LMU in Munich. rer. pole.

From 1979–1984 she worked as a research assistant in the field of planning theory at the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning at the TU Berlin, where she qualified as a professor in 1986. In Berlin she was also a co-founder of the Berlin Institute for Social Research and Social Science Practice eV After holding several substitute professorships, she was appointed to Frankfurt. Between 1988 and 2007 she was Professor of Sociology and Social Policy with a focus on urban, regional and community research in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Goethe University. In addition to urban sociology, her special teaching and research areas were planning theory and history, urban and health, feminist urban analysis, and women's, local and social policy. 1993–1994 she became dean of the department.

From 1991 to 1993 she acted as the spokesperson for the Urban and Regional Sociology Section of the German Society for Sociology. She was a member of the board of the Feminist Organization of Planners and Architects Rhein Main eV on several occasions from 1994 to 2000.

From 1991 to 2000 Marianne Rodenstein was a member of the expert committee of the research association "Public Health". In 2000 she taught at the “International Women's University” at the University of Kassel in the “City” department headed by Ulla Terlinden. The International Women's University was created as an accompanying program to Expo 2000 in Hanover. 1997–2003 she was a member of the advisory board and reviewer in the Lower Saxony Research Association for Women and Gender Studies in Science, Technology and Medicine, which was headed by Ursula Paravicini at the TU Hannover. Since 2000 she has been on the advisory board of Maecenia - Frankfurt Foundation for Women in Science and Art.


In the 1970s to 1990s, Rodenstein helped initiate a number of new research areas in essays and books and contributed to their dissemination. These include empirical traffic research (1971), feminist urban research (1994), women's health research (1982) and the connection between the city (planning) and health (1988, 1996). With the change to the university in Frankfurt am Main, the sociological preoccupation with high-rise buildings was added. The high-rise research led them to comparative urban research, through which special features in cities can be explored. Your focus is on Frankfurt am Main.

Fonts (selection)

As an author


  • Reconstruction and social memory - how memories change our cities. In: Norbert Gestring, Jan Wehrheim (Ed.): Urbanity in the 21st Century, Campus: Frankfurt / New York 2018, 237–255, ISBN 978-3-593-50970-9 .
  • Yesterday's utopia - Hayden's non-sexist city. In: sub / urban. Journal for Critical Urban Research 2017. Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 93-100 ISSN  2197-2567
  • From mansion to bourgeois retirement home. The first classicist villas near Berlin, Altona and Hamburg. In: Forum Stadt, issue 3/2018, pp. 2011–228, ISSN  2192-8924
  • “Witch trials” in Frankfurt am Main - a forgotten “fame sheet” of the city? In: Evelyn Brockhoff and Ursula Kern (eds.): Frankfurter Frauengeschichte (n). Societätsverlag. Frankfurt am Main 2017, ISBN 978-3-95542-275-2 , pp. 10-28.
  • "Mainhatten" and Manhattan. Frankfurt skyscrapers and the influence from America. In: Forum Stadt, issue 2/2015, pp. 131–150, ISSN  2192-8924
  • Urban society: what a term says about the reality of our cities! In: Forum Stadt, issue 1/2013, pp. 5–20, ISSN  2192-8924
  • Urban Planning and Health - A Review of Theory and Practice. In: Christa Böhme, Christa Kliemke, Bettina Reimann, Waldemar Süß (eds.): Handbook Urban Planning and Health. Huber: Bern 2012, ISBN 978-3-456-85044-3 , pp. 15-25.
  • Forgetting and Remembering: Frankfurt's Altstadt after Second World War. In Tovi Fenster, Haim Yacobi (ed.): Remembering, Forgetting and City Builders, Ashgate: Farnham 2010, ISBN 978-1-4094-0667-9 , pp. 159-174.
  • Feminist urban and regional research. An overview of the status, current problems and development opportunities. In: Kerstin Dörhöfer (Ed.): Stadt-Land-Frau. Kore Verlag: Freiburg, 199–228, 1990, ISBN 3-926023-80-5 .
  • Somatic Culture and Childbirth Policy - Trends in Health Policy for Women. In: Ilona Kickbusch , Barbara Riedmüller (ed.): The poor women, women and social policy, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt 1984, 103-134, ISBN 3-518-11156-6 .


  • (Ed.) The spatial arrangement of the sexes. Cultural differences and conflicts, trafo Verlag: Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-89626-551-2 .
  • (Ed.) High-rise buildings in Germany. Future or ruin of cities, (first from Kohlhammer: Stuttgart et al. 2000, ISBN 3-17-016274-8 ) Springer Vieweg ISBN 978-3-322-99951-1 (online)
  • (Ed.), How secure is social security? (together with Barbara Riedmüller), Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1989 ISBN
  • Paths to the non-sexist city. Architects and planners in the USA. Kore: Freiburg / B. 1994, ISBN 3-926023-49-X .
  • City and space. Sociogical analyzes (together with Hartmut Häußermann, Detlev Ipsen, Thomas Krämer-Badoni, Dieter Läpple and Walter Siebel), volume 1 of the series Stadt, Raum, Gesellschaft, Centaurus: Pfaffenweiler 1991 3-89085-552-0
  • “More light, more air!” Health concepts in urban planning since 1750. Campus: Frankfurt / New York 1988 (also habilitation at TU Berlin 1988) ISBN 3-593-33911-0 .
  • Social policy as social control (together with Tim Guldimann, Ulrich Rödel, Frank Stille), Starnberger Studien 2, Suhrkamp: Frankfurt 1978, ISBN 3-518-10963-4 .
  • Citizens' initiatives and political system. An examination of sociological theories of legitimation, Focus Verlag: Gießen 1978 (also dissertation, University of Munich) ISBN 3-920352-78-5 .
  • The commune in the state organization (together with Rainer Emenlauer, Thomas Krämer-Badoni, Herbert Grymer) Suhrkamp: Frankfurt 1974, ISBN 3-518-00680-0 .
  • On the socio-economic importance of the automobile (together with Thomas Krämer-Badoni and Herbert Grymer), edition suhrkamp 540 Frankfurt am Main (without ISBN)


  • Martina Löw (Ed.): Differentiations of the urban. Dedicated to Marianne Rodenstein on her 60th birthday (City, Space and Society; Volume 15). Leske + Budrich Verlag, Opladen 2002, ISBN 3-8100-3546-7 .
  • Ulrike Vogel (Ed.), Paths to Sociology and Women and Gender Studies. Autobiographical notes from the first generation of female professors at the university. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-531-14966-0 .

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