Marie Luise Bartz

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Marie Luise Bartz (* in Köslin ) was a German author.


She was the daughter of August Wilhelm Heinrich Bartz, who was a soldier for many years and then became a government official. Her mother was Anna Mathilde née Schulz. Marie Luise Bartz attended the Municipal School for Daughters in Köslin and then lived as a freelance writer of advice and entertainment reading. She also dealt with youth and popular education, rural welfare , home and folk arts care and tried to found East German housewives' associations. After living in Friedenau near Berlin for a long time , she moved back to Köslin, where she lived at Buchwaldstrasse 122.

She published the series of publications Ländliches Glück , Aus aller Welt and later the popular educational booklets .

She earned services, among other things, in documenting the Jamund culture.

Works (selection)

  • Victory celebration. Patriotic Festival for Volksbühne (= youth and people's theater , 19), Leipzig: Strauch, undated [1908].
  • What Heinrich Sohnrey taught us rural women , Berlin, 1909. Digitized
  • German women, German loyalty. Memorial service for Queen Luise of Prussia (= youth and people's stage, 81), Leipzig: Strauch, undated [1910].
  • Ostdeutsche Hausfrauenvereine , in: Documents of Progress , Volume 4, Issue 2, 1911, pages 471–474.
  • Do you want to know exactly what is going on? Potsdam, 1912.
  • Parents and small children , Potsdam, 1912.
  • Christmas in Pomerania . In: Unser Pommerland 1 (1912–13), No. 2.
  • What do we eat in summer? Potsdam, 1913.
  • "Good Zollern!" Cheerful and serious patriotic stories for youth and people , Altenburg, no year [1913].
  • (with other authors): Dance and play in German youth care. New round dance, old folk dances and games for school and home , Berlin, 1913.
  • Doctor by the grace of the king! A Pomeranian story from the time of the soldier king , Stargard i. P., 1914.
  • (with other authors): Guide and home book of Köslin and the surrounding area including its six seaside resorts , Köslin, 1925.


Individual evidence

  1. Folklore in the field of tension between university and museum , page 79.