Marie Wollmann

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Marie Wollmann (* 1829 in Stettin ; † June 19, 1908 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German kindergarten teacher and educator in Halle an der Saale. In 1863 she founded the first kindergarten there based on the educational method of Friedrich Froebel .

Live and act

Wollmann was the daughter of Karl Wollmann (1792–1878) and Amalie Wollmann, nee. Wilke (1798-1861). She completed a kindergarten teacher course in Berlin , which she completed on April 1, 1863, and from October 1862 to April 1863 also attended another course of the women's association for the promotion of Fröbel kindergartens and was a student of Amalie Krüger. According to Halle's address book from 1866, she lived with her father and sister, the teacher and educator Henriette Emma Wollmann (1830–1879), at Sophienstrasse 5 (today Adam-Kuckhoff-Strasse).

A need for childcare arose around the mid-19th century as more and more women were employed to contribute to family income (e.g. in factories or households). As early as the 1840s, Friedrich Fröbel tried to implement his educational concepts in Halle as part of the establishment of kindergartens. However, Prussian bans prevented this until 1860.

On April 24, 1863, Wollmann founded the first kindergarten in Halle to work according to Froebel's pedagogy. On May 1, 1863, her kindergarten for 2 to 7-year-old children was opened according to Fröbel's educational method in Martinsberg house No. 5 (ground floor). A schedule of their lessons, which took place between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m., was retained. First, a free game took place under supervision. This was followed by morning prayers and singing, as well as memorizing and singing children's songs, telling children's poems or thinking and speaking exercises with visual lessons. After a breakfast break, gymnastics and movement games or ball games and from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - depending on the age and abilities of the children - occupation with Froebel's toys and activities (including building, laying with tablets and chopsticks, folding, braiding, cutting out, clay molding)

The Hallesche Magistrat rented the Petersberg schoolhouse to her in 1871 to set up a kindergarten. In 1870 her sister Emma had also founded a kindergarten at Taubengasse 7/8, which existed until 1878. Marie Wollmann's kindergarten has moved several times over the years. In 1873 at Alte Promenade 10 and in 1878 at Sophienstraße. Most recently the kindergarten was on Fritz-Reuter-Straße and Mühlweg.

In 1885, Wollmann was commissioned by the city, together with some doctors and Lina Sellheim, to review the kindergartens that had been newly established in the city.

Wollmann ran her facility for 31 years until 1894 and then retired from her job, but still worked as a private teacher. She spent her twilight years at the Riebeck-Stift in Halle, where she died in 1908.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Klaus Geber: “It's done!” Lina Sellheim and the first children's facilities in Halle / Saale . Hall 2018
  2. ^ Klaus Gebser: Lina Sellheim and her kindergarten teacher seminar in Halle / S. In: The Kita-Handbuch. Martin R. Textor, Antje Bostemann, accessed on February 12, 2020 .
  3. Katja Münchow, Amalie Krüger: "I want, I have to work on the wonderful new building of the future". Amalie Krüger from Halle - one of the first kindergarten teachers . In: Ch. Aszakies, Ch. Zarend, Katja Münchow (ed.): "How do you feel about the rebellion?" Women between departure and adjustment in the 19th century Halle . Halle o. J. (1999), pp. 63-84, in particular footnote 86
  4. ^ A b Eva Labouvie: Women in Saxony-Anhalt 2: A biographical-bibliographical lexicon from the 19th century to 1945 . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018, ISBN 978-3-412-51420-4 ( [accessed on February 12, 2020]).
  5. a b c d e f City of Halle an der Saale: 100 years of Halle youth welfare office. Pages 9 and 10, accessed February 12, 2020 .
  6. ^ Hallesches Tageblatt of July 4, 1871