Marino Restrepo

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Marino Restrepo (* 1951 in Anserma , Colombia ) is a Colombian Catholic speaker, evangelist, author and musician.


Restrepo was born in 1951 in the Colombian Andes as the sixth of ten children of a religious family. At the age of 14 he moved to Bogotá , where he began drug use and esoteric practices through the hippie movement . Restrepo studied in Germany and was finally active in California with his band Santa Fe as a singer and later as an actor.

During a visit to Colombia on Christmas Eve 1997, he was kidnapped by members of the Colombian People's Army, FARC-EP , and held hostage for six months. During this time he had mystical experiences and a conversion . Since his inexplicable release from captivity, he has been a speaker and author and gives testimony worldwide .

In 1999 Restrepo founded the Catholic community Pilgrims of Love or Fundación Peregrinos del Amor , which was recognized in 2011 by Cardinal Rubén Salazar Gómez in the Archdiocese of Bogotá .

Publications (selection)

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