Mario Szichman

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Mario Szichman (born January 2, 1945 in Buenos Aires , Argentina , † June 29, 2018 in New York City ) was an Argentine writer .


Mario Szichman was born as a descendant of a Jewish immigrant family in Buenos Aires, studied law there and went first to Colombia in 1967 , then to Venezuela , where he wrote his first novel Crónica falsa . Between 1971 and 1975 Szichman worked again in Argentina, but then had to emigrate again due to the increasingly dangerous political situation. He worked as a journalist and then went to New York, where he lived to the end.

Honourings and prices

  • Recognition award at the Premio Casa de las Américas (Havana) 1969 for Crónica falsa
  • Premio Norte 1980 for A las 20:25, la Señora entró en la inmortalidad



  • Crónica falsa . Buenos Aires: Jorge Álvarez, 1969
  • Los judíos del Mar Dulce . Buenos Aires / Caracas: Ed. Galerna / Síntesis 2000, 1971 (extended new edition: New Jersey: Editorial Aleph, 2013)
  • La verdadera crónica falsa . Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina, 1972
  • A las 20:25, la Señora entró en la inmortalidad . Hanover: NH: Ed. del Norte, 1981 (New Jersey: Editorial Aleph, 2012)
  • Los papeles de Miranda . Caracas: José Agustín Catalá / El Centauro Ediciones, 2000
  • Las dos muertes del General Simón Bolívar . Caracas: José Agustín Catalá / El Centauro Ediciones, 2004
  • Los años de la Guerra a muerte . Caracas: José Agustín Catalá / El Centauro Ediciones, 2007
  • Eros y la doncella . Madrid: Verbum, 2013
  • La región vacía . Madrid: Verbum, 2014



  • "At 8:25 p.m. Evita entered eternity", in: With eyes in hand: Argentine Jews tell stories . Edited and translated by Erna Pfeiffer. Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag, 2014, pages 74–80


  • At 8:25 am Evita Became Immortal . Transl. by Roberto Picciotto. Hanover, NH: Ed. del Norte, 1983


  • Telaak, Anastasia: Body, language, tradition: Jewish topographies in the work of contemporary authors from Argentina . Berlin: wvb, Wiss. Publishing house, 2003
  • "They have not been able to erase our memories": a conversation between Jewish-Argentinian authors . Edited and translated by Erna Pfeiffer. Vienna: Löcker-Verlag, 2016 (edition pen, 39)

Individual evidence

  1. A los cuatro meses del fallecimiento de Mario Szichman accessed on August 13, 2019