Marketing inside

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Internal marketing is understood within business administration to mean those measures of corporate culture (int .: Corporate Behavior ) for communicating the corporate identity that affect the behavior of employees and managers with one another and with new employees . The targeted use of one's own human capital is a function of human resource management.


Corporate behavior in-house:


The value of internal marketing is particularly evident in companies whose production factors are mainly of a dispositive nature and which are committed to work as a production factor, especially with regard to valuable know-how and good quality of personnel performance ( service quality , intercultural skills , rare specialist skills as well as advanced key qualifications of employees and managers).

Companies that conduct internal strategic marketing benefit from greater employee loyalty while at the same time reducing individual personnel costs. This apparent paradox is explained by the human characteristic, according to which intrinsically motivated people in particular enjoy more meaningful and socially upright living conditions than the pure reward for this activity through exclusively extrinsic motivation .

The pushing back of permanent control of the individual work results in favor of cooperative management elements in connection with a self-control which is transparent for the individual employee and a possible profit-sharing in the company result represent expanded areas of the internal marketing.

For the group of people mentioned, this leads to holistic corporate management in the interests of all stakeholders and increases the level of identification with the company. Motivated employees who identify with their company think entrepreneurially , deal better with customers and strive for corporate goals sustainably, on their own initiative.


Companies that in the run-up to recruiting did not place increased value on the selection of their employees based on motivation theory (intrinsic / extrinsic), can hardly establish a consistent corporate culture with effective internal marketing. The reason for this is that people who show no primary interest in the work itself and are primarily interested in the wage or the status symbols acquired with it show little access to social priorities, intercultural skills or customer-oriented behavior.

Even entrepreneurs, whose use of human capital is primarily aimed at cost-effective completion of the work involved and who, in case of doubt, prefer to lay off staff rather than staff development , especially in certain industries with a high proportion of low-wage earners and freelancers, criticize the high internal marketing expenses because they do not see any direct sales correlation. This cannot be represented for the above-mentioned employee structures and in companies with accepted high fluctuation due to the general decisions made in terms of corporate policy. Particularly with regard to a strong oversupply on the labor market, including more highly qualified employees and academically trained specialists with a low attitude to entrepreneurial thinking, the interest in marketing measures is polarizing inwardly in the German-speaking economic area.

See also


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