Martin Biewen

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Martin Biewen is a German professor for statistics , econometrics and quantitative methods at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Tübingen .


In 1996 Biewen obtained his diploma in economics , followed by his doctorate in 2000 at the University of Heidelberg and in 2005 his Venia Legendi for econometrics and economics at the University of Mannheim . Before that, he initially worked as a research assistant and as a senior research officer in Heidelberg and Essex and as a junior professor in Heidelberg , Mannheim and Frankfurt (Main) before he was temporarily appointed to a chair (W3) for statistics at the University of Frankfurt am Main . From 2006 to 2013 he worked as a research professor at the German Institute for Economic Research (DWI). In 2009 he was finally offered a professorship at the University of Tübingen, where he has held a chair ever since. From 2011 to 2013 he was also head of the School of Business and Economics in Tübingen and since 2016 he has been working there as the equal opportunities officer. He has been an advisory member of the Economic Advisory Committee for Poverty and Wealth Reporting of the Federal Ministry of Labor since 2014.

Literature (selection)

  • Biewen, M .; D. Plötze (2018): The role of hours changes for the increase in German earnings inequality forthcoming in: Journal of Economics and Statistics
  • Biewen, M .; S. Seifert (2018): Potential Parenthood and Career Progression of Men and Women: A Simultaneous Hazards Approach in: BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 18 pp. 1–22

Web links