Mastaba S3507

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In Mastaba S3507 ( Saqqara grave no. 3507 ) is an ancient Egyptian Mastabagrab the first dynasty (around 3000 v. Chr.) In Saqqara .


The building was discovered in 1938, but was not fully excavated until 1955. The mastaba is approx. 38 m long and 16 m wide and consists of dried clay bricks. The former height is unknown. When the building was found, its remains were up to 2.5 m high. The mastaba is surrounded by a wall that measures approx. 44 × 22 m. During the excavations, it was partly about 1.45 m high. There was an entrance on the east side. The actual mastaba is with a palace facadedecorated, which has three niches on the short and nine niches on the long sides. There were 30 chambers in the superstructure, which were largely empty. The burial chamber is underground and 4.75 m below ground level. It could be reached by stairs. At the bottom of the chamber were the remains of a wooden coffin that once measured about 2.65 x 1.7 m. The burial chamber was crowned above ground by a rectangular mud brick hill, which in turn was part of the superstructure and thus no longer visible after the mastaba was completed.


The grave found itself robbed, but still contained a number of different groups of objects. These include numerous ceramics and stone vessels, pearls made of gold , lapis lazuli , carnelian and other materials as well as remains of games, stone tools and cosmetic objects. A fragment of relief shows a row of lions, another probably dates to the 3rd Dynasty and shows twice a king, a baboon and an owl. Unrolled seals were found on inscriptions, which are the only king to name Den . The former owner of the grave is unknown. An incised inscription names Herneith , whom Emery regarded as queen and owner of the tomb.


  • Walter Bryan Emery : Great Tombs of the First Dynasty III , London 1958, pp. 73-97, plates 85-113

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Coordinates: 29 ° 52 ′ 41.1 ″  N , 31 ° 13 ′ 22.4 ″  E