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Herneith in hieroglyphics

(Her Neith)
Hr Nj.t
Face of the Neith

Herneith is the name of an ancient Egyptian queen who was perhaps the wife of the king ( pharaoh ) Djer in the 1st dynasty and who died under Den .

supporting documents

Herneith (Egypt)
Saqqara (tomb)
Saqqara ( tomb )
Sites and grave complex

Her name was found scratched on a bowl in the grave of Herneith, while in Abydos she is named together with Djer. However, the interpretation of the characters that represent her name is controversial and it is not even certain that it was a woman and therefore a queen.


Her mastaba ( S3507 ) is in Saqqara and was excavated by Walter Bryan Emery at the end of 1955 . The archaeologist was amazed at the extraordinarily well-preserved substructure with a hill built into it. The most famous discovery, however, is a horizontally decorated sandstone slab on which (from right to left) two king figures as well as four bird hieroglyphs and the baboon figure of the god Wer-wadjet can be seen. Clay seals from her grave call the high officials Sechka .


  • Walter B. Emery : Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, Part III (= Excavations at Sakkara; Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Society, No. 47). Egypt Exploration Society, London 1958, pp. 73-97.
  • Joyce Tyldesley : The Queens of Ancient Egypt. From the early dynasties to the death of Cleopatra. Koehler & Amelang, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-7338-0358-2 , p. 29.

Individual evidence

  1. briefly discussed in: Walter B. Emery: Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, Part III. London 1958, p. 94.
  2. Francesco Raffaele: Saqqara - Early Dynastic monuments (Dynasties 1–3)
  3. ^ Walter B. Emery: Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, Part III. London 1958, pp. 79 & 96-97.