Mathieu Ngirumpatse

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Mathieu Ngirumpatse (* in Tare, Rwanda ) is a former Rwandan politician with the MRND . He is considered to be one of the main participants in the 1994 genocide . He is currently charged with genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda .

Mathieu Ngirumpatse was born in Tare. Ngirumpatse was a member of the ruling party MRND, which he chaired during the genocide. He served as ambassador and minister of justice. The MRND founded the Tutsi- hostile Interahamwe militia in late 1991 . According to the Interahamwe treasurer, Ngirumpatse was a major influence on the militia. He is also said to have been a member of Netzwerk Null, a communications association of politicians and the military that controlled death squads. In 1994 he is said to have been involved in the planning of weapons depots. The secretary of the MDR , Donat Murego, named him as the originator of the anti-Belgian campaign of the radio station RTLM in January 1994.

In response to the shooting down of President Juvénal Habyarimana's plane on April 6, 1994, the genocide of the Tutsi and temperate Hutu began . The following day, Ngirumpatse was present at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the MRND. He is said to have rejected the proposal to appoint him as the new president for fear of his political future. He was probably making an emergency plan for the post-crisis period. From then on he no longer appeared in public. On April 8, he proposed the President of Parliament Théodore Sindikubwabo at a meeting of the crisis committee of the military and politicians from different parties for the office of President. In doing so, he circumvented the Arusha Agreement , but relied on the 1991 constitution, which provided for the president of parliament to be his successor for 60 days after the president's death. Ngirumpatse also helped set up the transitional government. His influence on the Interahamwe, which perpetrated much of the genocide massacre, seems to have been great at this time too. This is confirmed by a statement by Jean Kambanda, Prime Minister of the transitional government. On May 17, Ngirumpatse was appointed Director General for Foreign Affairs.

Ngirumpatse was arrested on June 11, 1998 in Mali. He was subsequently imprisoned in Arusha. On November 27, 2003, he and three alleged accomplices were indicted by the International Criminal Court for Rwanda for preparing and carrying out genocide in the so-called Government Trial I. Due to procedural inconsistencies, a new trial was brought against him on September 19, 2005. Ngirumpatse pleaded “not guilty” in both trials.


  • Linda Melvern: Rwanda The genocide and the participation of the western world , Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, Kreuzlingen / Munich 2004. ISBN 3-7205-2486-8 .

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Notes and individual references

  1. Linda Melvern: Rwanda The Genocide and the Involvement of the Western World , p. 38
  2. ^ Melvern, p. 46
  3. ^ Melvern, p. 117
  4. ^ Melvern, p. 133
  5. ^ Melvern, p. 184
  6. ^ Melvern, p. 206