Matzenfabrik Strauss

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The Matzenfabrik Strauss produced unleavened bread ( matzo ) in Karlsruhe from 1863 to 1936 for customers in the city and later for all of Germany.



The baker Liebmann Strauss began making matzos in 1863 at Kronenstrasse 15. In 1908 the company was located at Waldhornstraße 22 and in 1912 at Stösserstraße 19. Finally, in 1914, the growing company built a new production facility in Neureut , conveniently located near the train station, on an area of ​​2,245 m². The company's founder had meanwhile handed over management to his son, Semy Strauss. He had a two-story residential and office building with two single-story side wings for the production and storage rooms built on the new company premises. The buildings were just before the First World War finished and the company has now Strauss army supplier for continuous rusk . After the war, matzos were mainly produced again and delivered to all parts of the German Empire .

During the Nazi era , the owner Semy Strauss emigrated to Haifa with his wife Else, née Schwarz, and their four children because of the emerging persecution of the Jews , where he died in 1940. His brother-in-law Leopold Schwarz closed the business by 1938.

Today the building of the former matzo factory is used by several restaurants and shops .


  • Wilhelm Meinzer: The Matzenfabrik Strauss in Karlsruhe and Neureut . In: Heinz Schmitt (Ed.): Jews in Karlsruhe. Contributions to their history up to the Nazi seizure of power . Badenia-Verlag, Karlsruhe 1988 (2nd revised edition 1990), ISBN 3-7617-0268-X , pp. 505-506.