Mausoleum of the King of Zhongshan in Pingshan

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Zhongshan wang Cuo (King Cuo's name in modern Chinese characters. The character "Cuo" is also read by some as "Xi".)

The Pingshan Zhongshan wang mu ( Chinese  平 山 中山 王墓 , Pinyin Píngshān Zhōngshān wáng mù , English Mausoleum of the Prince of Zhongshan  - " Mausoleum of the King of Zhongshan in Pingshan ") is the tomb of the king ( wang ) of the Zhongshan state from the 4th century Century BC At the time of the Warring States . The tomb was discovered in 1974 in Sanji , Pingshan County, Hebei Province , China and excavated between 1974–1978.

In the grave complex there were several other graves, which are also subsumed under this name.

The previously uncovered grave complex contained over 19,000 artifacts, including many that differ from all previous finds. Three of the bronzes discovered were described with a total of over a thousand characters that tell the history of Zhongshan and fill a gap in the historical Chinese accounts. At the same time, the capital of the Warring States- era Zhongshan State , Lingshou ( 靈壽 ), was also brought to light.

Site of the old city of Zhongshan

The site of the ancient city of Zhongshan ( Chinese  中山古城遗址 , Pinyin Zhongshan gǔchéng yízhǐ ) in the district of Pingshan ( 平山县 ) - it is in the capital of the State of Zhongshan in the Warring States Period is - is on the list since 1988, Monuments of the People's Republic of China (3-206) . The mausoleum of the King of Zhongshan in Pingshan is also located on this site .


  • Zhongguo da baike quanshu : Kaoguxue [Great Chinese Encyclopedia, Volume: Archeology], Beijing: Zhongguo da baike quanshu, 1986
  • Hebei Pingshan Zhongshan guo wang mu [The tomb of the Zhongshan King of Pingshan, Hebei Province]. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe 1994 ( Zhongguo kaogu wenwu zhi mei )
  • Yang Xiaoneng (Ed.): The Golden Age of Chinese Archeology: Celebrated Discoveries from the People's Republic of China. ISBN 0-300-08132-4 .
  • Galéries Nationales du Grand Palais: Zhongshan: tombes des rois oubliés; exposition archéolog. chinoise du Royaume de Zhongshan, 10 nov. 1984 - 4 févr. 1985. Paris: Assoc. Française d'Action Artist., 1984, ISBN 2-86545-030-9
  • Hebei sheng wenwu yanjiusuo: Cuomu. Zhanguo Zhongshan guo guowang zhi mu. 2 vols. Beijing 1995
  • Li Xueqin : Eastern Zhou and Qin Civilizations. Translated by KC Chang. New Haven and London 1985

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