Maxima of Rome

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Maxima of Rome
Born 3rd century
Deceased 302 (Rome)
Holiday September 2nd

Legend has it that Maxima von Rom (* 3rd century; † 302 in Rome ) was a slave in the house of the patrician Tranquillinus from the Anicia family and nurse of his son Ansanus . She raised her protégé in a Christian way and baptized him. When Ansanus' father discovered this in 302, during the time of the persecution of Christians under Diocletian , he captured both of them. Both appear to have been tried in front of the judges at the same time. Both were scourged; but while Ansanus survived and escaped to Siena, Maxima died under the scourge.


“Romæ sanctæ Maximæ Mártyris, quæ, simul cum sancto Ansano Christum confessa, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, dum fustibus cæditur, réddidit spíritum.”

"In Rome the holy martyr Maxima, who confessed to Christ with Ansanus during the persecution of Diocletion, gave up her soul while she was beaten with bars."


  1. ^ Confraternity of Ss. Peter & Paul: September 2 . In: The Roman Martyrology . Archived from the original on October 31, 2010. Retrieved January 31, 2019.

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