Meduna (goddess)

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Meduna is a Celtic goddess named in an inscription from Bad Bertrich along with Vercana .


Meduna is sometimes associated with the Gallic word medu- for mead , so she would be a goddess of honey wine production or, like the Irish Medb, "the intoxicating", "the intoxicated" or "the intoxicated".

It is also conceivable that Meduna and Vercana were the source goddesses of the warm healing springs of Bad Bertrich because they were named on a fountain bowl. The river names Meduana (today: Mayenne ) in Normandy and Meduna in Veneto speak for the interpretation as a source goddess .

See also

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Single receipts

  1. CIL 13, 07667 - De (a) e Vercan (a) e / et Medun (a) e / L (ucius) T () Acc (e) ptus / v (otum) s (olvit) l (ibens) m (erito)]
  2. Helmut Birkhan : Kelten, attempt at an overall representation of their culture. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-7001-2609-3 , p. 530, footnotes 3 and 4.
  3. ^ Siegfried Gutenbrunner: The Germanic god names of the ancient inscriptions ; Hall 1936