Vercana (goddess)

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Vercana was a Roman goddess who was worshiped in Gaul. Whether she was a Germanic or Celtic goddess is disputed in research.


Vercana is known from two inscriptions. A fountain bowl from Ernstweiler near Zweibrücken is dedicated to DEAE VERCANV. In the second inscription from Bad Bertrich , she is mentioned together with Meduna .

The mention on a fountain bowl and the warm healing springs of Bad Bertrich could speak for a spring goddess. The Germanic interpretation of the name starts with Germ. * Werkanô "Wirkerin". Alternatively, Germ. * Berkanô "birch goddess" is used, especially since the birch plays a certain role in folk medicine.

See also


  1. CIL 13, 04511 - In h (onorem) d (omus) d (ivinae) deae Vercanu / isd (em) co (n) s (ulibus) ips (?) Ant () Q () F () pos (uit ?) aq (uaeductum?) / V Id (us) Mai (as)
  2. CIL 13, 07667 - De (a) e Vercan (a) e / et Medun (a) e / L (ucius) T () Acc (e) ptus / v (otum) s (olvit) l (ibens) m (erito)
