Meissen joint statement

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The Meissen Joint Determination is a document that was signed in 1988 by the Federation of Evangelical Churches in the GDR (BEK), the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) , the Church of England . It contains the Meissen Declaration as its core . The undersigned churches agree to recognize each other as churches as well as the ordained offices and the sacraments. As a result, there is a formal mutual invitation to the Lord's Supper by the member churches of the EKD and the Anglican Church.
In addition, the common determination is connected with the obligation to work towards a deepening of the similarities:

"We will take all possible steps towards closer communion in as many areas of Christian life and witness as possible so that all of our members may move forward together on the path to full, visible unity."

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Individual evidence

  1. The Meissen Declaration. Retrieved October 9, 2019 .