Master of the legend scenes

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As Master of the Legend scenes one is late Gothic painter from Vienna referred to the early 16th century.

The artist, who is not known by name, got his emergency name after his picture for the legend of Saints Cosmas and Damian . The picture, created between 1500 and 1520, is also the miraculous leg healing by the Holy. Cosmas and Damian and has been in the Belvedere in Vienna since 1953 . Some other legendary scenes in Vienna, Graz, Munich and Klosterneuburg may also come from the hand of the master. A differentiation of some of the works assigned to the master of the legend scenes from the work of the master of miracles from Mariazell is not always possible with certainty.

The master of the legendary scenes was possibly an early student of Lucas Cranach and further influenced by Albrecht Altdorfer and Joerg Breu .

Individual evidence

  1. Master of the Legend Scenes . In: Art Encyclopedia. The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art Oxford 2002, online 2010 edition

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