Master of the Lindau Lamentation

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The Lindau Lamentation , around 1410–1415
The Stigmata of Francis, Lake Constance area, around 1415

A gothic painter whose name is unknown is referred to as the master of the Lindau lamentation , and his place of work is most likely located in the Swabian region of Lake Constance . The master got his emergency name from a panel painting depicting the Lamentation of Christ from around 1410/1420 , which is said to have been in the possession of the canonical monastery in Lindau (Lake Constance) for a time and is now in the possession of the Lindau City Art Collections (Lake Constance).

In addition, a Francis stigmatization in Cologne is ascribed to the master, to which Stefan Lochner possibly added kneeling donor figures. For this reason it is assumed that Stefan Lochner was in personal contact with the master of the Lindau Lamentation or even came from his workshop area.

The works, which are generally assigned to the master of the Lindau Lamentation, reveal an unusually clear mysticism in their presentation. For example, the Lamentation of Christ is accompanied by an angel , which is why this Lamentation of Christ by Mary , this Pietà , is sometimes also known as the "Engelpietà". The merging of the Man of Sorrows with the Francis stigmatization also appears as an unusually intense expression of the mysticism of belief in a medieval world of thought.


After comparing art history, style and painting technique, the master of Lindau Lamentation is attributed to the panel paintings Lindau Lamentation in the municipal art collections in Lindau and Christ as Man of Sorrows and the stigmatization of St. Francis in the Wallraf-Richartz Museum in Cologne.

The three-figure crucifixion in the Catharijneconventin Museum in Utrecht, as well as the choir of angels , which is now privately owned and was owned by Irene and Peter Ludwig or Franz Monheim from Aachen until 1988, may come from the master himself or from his workshop .

Furthermore, the master of the Lindau Lamentation is said to have created the wall paintings in the Heilig-Kreuz-Münster in Schwäbisch Gmünd.


The musical work "structures of echo - lindauer beweinung" for 32 voices and orchestra by Nikolaus Brass , created under the influence of the picture Lindauer Beweinung, was premiered in 2003 in Stuttgart under Rupert Huber by the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra and the SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart.


  • Carola Hagnau: The master of Lindau lamentation: the Cologne panel painting 'Christ as Man of Sorrows and the Stigmatization of St. Francis' in work and regional context . For science and research, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-89700-047-4 , p. 47-56 (dissertation).
  • Ernst Buchner : The master of the Lindau lamentation . In: Das Münster: Journal for Christian Art and Art History . No. 4 . Schnell & Steiner, 1951, ISSN  0027-299X , p. 65-71 .
  • Alfred Stange : Southwest Germany from 1400 to 1450 . In: German Gothic Painting . tape 4 . Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 1951.
  • Ernst Buchner : The Lindauer Lamentation and Stephan Lochner . In: Wallraf-Richartz-Yearbook New Series . No. 1 , 1930, ISSN  0083-7105 , p. 100-109 .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Ernst Buchner : The Lindauer Lamentation and Stephan Lochner . In: Wallraf-Richartz-Yearbook New Series . No. 1 , 1930, ISSN  0083-7105 , p. 100-109 .
  2. Ernst Buchner : The Master of Lindau Lamentation . In: Das Münster: Journal for Christian Art and Art History . No. 4 . Schnell & Steiner, 1951, ISSN  0027-299X , p. 65-71 .
  3. ^ Gudrun Litz: The Reformation picture question in the Swabian imperial cities . In: Late Middle Ages and the Reformation . tape 35 . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-16-149124-5 , p. 74 .
  4. a b Carola Hagnau: The Master of Lindau Lamentation: the Cologne panel painting 'Christ as Man of Sorrows and the Stigmatization of St. Francis' in work and regional context . For science and research, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-89700-047-4 , p. 47-56 (dissertation).
  5. Stadtmuseum at, accessed online February 2010
  6. [1]