Master of the Prophets of the Beautiful Well

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In the history of art, the gothic , unknown sculptor who worked in Nuremberg from 1385 to 1392 and created eight figures of the prophets for the middle floor of the beautiful fountain is described as the master of the prophets of the beautiful fountain .

In total, the fountain consisted of forty colored painted figures, which several artists produced together in a work group. The sculptor who created the figures of the electors and heroes of the fountain was also active in this community. This master of the heroes of the beautiful fountain and the masters of the prophets of the beautiful fountain are considered to be the two most important artists of the fountain.

The figures of the fountain were made of sandstone and weathered, as early as 1540 some statues were restored and in particular from 1821 to 1824 figures were restored or replaced and the originals were brought to the Germanic National Museum in Nuremberg. Only fragments of the original prophets have survived. Three bearded prophet heads are in the sculpture collection of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and a fragment of a head and other fragments are in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum.

It is believed that the work of the master of the prophets was influenced by contemporary sculpture from Prague, Nuremberg was on the medieval trade route to Bohemia and the master probably used the progressive style of the Prague cathedral hut in his work. His figures were secular sculptures and show how the citizens of the city are now commissioning artistically significant works for a public square and no longer just donating church works.

All in all, all the figures and the overall composition of the fountain are considered to be a highlight of the late Gothic period in Nuremberg.

Individual evidence

  1. This assumption can first be found in Rudolf Bergau : The beautiful fountain . Berlin 1871, p. 93.
  2. Master of the Prophets of the Beautiful Well. In: Manfred H. Grieb (Ed.): Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon. Visual artists, artisans, scholars. Munich 2007, p. 999.
  3. Inventory number 365.
  4. Max Sauerlandt : German sculpture of the Middle Ages. Paderborn 2012, p. XIV.


Web links

  • Illustration of three bearded prophet heads Inventory number 365 In: Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz (publisher): SPK digital (online database, accessed September 2014)