Master of the Strauss Madonna

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Master of the Strauss Madonna (not to be confused with the Italian Master of the Madonna Straus ) is the emergency name for a painter who was oriented towards Dutch painting, especially the Lucca Madonna by Jan van Eyck and the Master of Flémalle Century worked in Regensburg .

The emergency name comes from a panel painting on coniferous wood depicting the Coronation of Mary from around 1440/50, which was set up in the Basilica of St. Emmeram in Regensburg at the time of Abbot Wolfhard Strauss (1423-1452) and is still today as a miraculous image on the Trinity altar is revered.

The picture shows the breastfeeding Mother of God, shown frontally on a lush green flower meadow, dressed in precious robes.

Another picture of the master, a crucifixion tablet, is in the City Museum in Bruges . The wings could have formed two panels (St. Dorothea and Katharina) in the Bavarian National Museum .


  • Herbert Schindler : Great Bavarian Art History. Volume 1. Süddeutscher Verlag, Munich 1963, pp. 260-261, pp. 301-302.
  • Sven Lüken: The Annunciation to Maria in the 15th and early 16th centuries. Historical and art historical studies. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2000, ISBN 3-525-47901-8 , p. 411.

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Individual evidence

  1. Schindler p. 302.