Master with the white inscriptions

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As a master with the white inscriptions ( Engl. Master of the White Inscriptions), a Flemish illuminator called, who was active around 1480 in Flanders. The artist, who is not known by name, got his emergency name after the white-colored lettering typical for him and otherwise not found in other painters of his time on many of his pictures.

He was probably primarily specialized in the design of texts with a historical background and he has preserved on the one hand paintings of texts by ancient writers, but also of contemporary chronicles. He decorated all of them richly with pictures depicting knights and battles in armament, fashion and background of his time. It is believed that the master also illustrated works that were exported from Flanders to the court of the English King Edward IV (1442–1483) , including Les Fais et les Dis des Romains , a translation of a history of the Roman Empire by the author Valerius Maximus , translated into French by Simon de Hesdin and Nicholas de Gonesse .

The master is also said to have contributed to the copperplate engravings with the white inscriptions , with which the text De Casibus Illustrium Virorum Et Mulierum was designed by Giovanni Boccaccio . Boccaccio's text from the Renaissance around 1380 is a collection of 106 biographies of well-known people from history and mythology. The book edition, to which the master with the white inscriptions contributed his work, was published in Bruges by Colard Mansion in 1476 . The stitches were colored and glued into the book. The editions of the work that are still preserved today are one of the earliest examples of colored copper engravings in a printing unit. It is assumed that several engravers contributed to the book, the master of the Dresden prayer book , the master of the Boccaccio pictures and the master with the white inscriptions .

Individual evidence

  1. British Library MS Royal 18 E IV
  2. Master of the Boccaccio Illustrations. In: Art Encyclopedia. The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art. Oxford 2002 (online 2010 edition)


  • Kim Woods, Carol M. Richardson, Angeliki Lymberopoulou: Viewing Renaissance Art . London 2007
  • Master of the Boccaccio Illustrations . In: Art Encyclopedia. The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art. Oxford 2002 (online 2010 edition)
  • The J. Paul Getty Museum (Ed.): Master of the White Inscriptions . Artist biographies online (accessed June 2011)

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