Master School (Germany)

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The term master school called in Germany all training institutions aimed at upgrading training for masters prepare. The courses are advanced training courses that are offered by private advanced training institutions or professional chambers , more rarely by so-called technical schools .

Depending on the job, the full-time preparatory courses last between 3 and 24 months; part-time up to 48 months. They cover the training parts I to IV of the master craftsman's examination regulations (MPO).

The advanced training to become a master craftsman at a technical school differs from the pure preparatory courses, as not only the MPO is given priority here, but also the underlying curriculum. Technical schools thus provide in-depth and more comprehensive professional training and promote general education . They are attended following vocational training and, as a rule, sufficient practical work lasting several years. The technical college training is usually 12 to 24 months full-time. For part-time courses up to 48 months.

Legal basis for technical schools in Bavaria

“The technical school serves for in-depth professional training and promotes general education; it is attended following vocational training and, as a rule, sufficient practical work lasting several years. The training course comprises at least half a school year for full-time courses and a correspondingly longer period for part-time courses. The at least one year technical school can award the technical college entrance qualification in accordance with the school regulations. The (technical) higher education entrance qualification can be acquired through a state supplementary examination, which can be restricted to relevant courses of study; the State Ministry for Education and Culture regulates the details by ordinance. "