Milk knot

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Classification according to ICD-10
B08.0 Other infections caused by orthopox virus
pseudo cowpox (milker's lump)
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Milk's lump is a benign viral disease that occurs all over the world and is caused by the parapoxvirus bovis 2 . It is caused by infection in cattle suffering from udderpox .

The infection manifests itself as numerous spots or reddening of the hands and forearms . Within a few days, the spots develop into brownish-red pea-sized nodules, known as papules . In the middle of such an often weeping change is a depression. The skin around the hearth is bright red and non-irritating. Milker's lumps heal on their own after 6 to 8 weeks without scarring. Healing can be supported by letting the knots dry out.

See also