Menelik I.

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According to the Ethiopian legend of the Kebra Negest , Menelik is the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and allegedly founded it in 980 BC. The empire of Abyssinia .


Menelik is said to be born in Ethiopia. In his twentieth year he is said to have visited his father in Jerusalem . According to legend, his real birth name was Bäynä Ləhkəm (from Arabic Ibn Hakim , translated "son of the wise man"), the name Menelik is derived from the exclamation of Solomon when he first saw his son and means in Amharic "How did you get here?"

After a while at Solomon's court, the elders complained that Solomon was showing him too much favor. Menelik should be sent back to Ethiopia. Solomon accepted the elders 'decision on the condition that all of the elders' firstborn sons go with them. The firstborn of the high priest of Israel, Acarius, is said to have stolen the ark from the holy of holies in the temple and taken it with him. When Menelik found out about the crime, he decided that the ark should be taken with him to Ethiopia. Back in his homeland, according to legend, Menelik was crowned as Menelik I, the first emperor of Abyssinia . His reign is said to be from 975 to 950 BC. Have lasted BC.

Solomonic Dynasty

The Solomonic dynasty traces its origin back to Menelik I. Accordingly, the Ethiopian constitution of 1955 stated:

The imperial dignity should remain permanently connected with the line ... (which) descends without interruption from the dynasty of Menelik I, the son of the Queen of Ethiopia, the Queen of Sheba, and the King Solomon of Jerusalem. "

Individual evidence

  1. Article Menelik I. In: Siegbert Uhlig (Ed.): Encyclopedia Aethiopica , Vol. 3: He – N. Wiesbaden 2007, p. 921.
  2. ^ Constitution of Ethiopia , 1955, taken from: Hans-Jörg Bräumer, Ed. Wuppertaler Studienbibel, 2. Chr. 9,12, p. 96.