Sequence of quantities

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A set sequence is a term from set theory , a branch of mathematics . It is a generalization of a sequence of numbers for sets and is used, for example, in probability theory and measure theory .


A sequence of sets on the basic set is formally defined as a mapping

which assigns a sequence member from the power set to each index from the set of natural numbers used as the index set

In other words, a set sequence is an ordered sequence of subsets of a common basic set.


The basic set is now the natural numbers :


In contrast to the set system , in a set sequence (as in any sequence) the order of the sequence members is important. In addition, the same element in the sequence can appear several times, but with a different index.

A set sequence is a special case of a set family if the natural numbers are chosen as the index set for the family. The difference between the sequence of sets and the set family is that a set family does not necessarily have an order relation on the indices. So there is no such thing as a smaller or a larger index. The indices of a sequence automatically carry this order via the natural order of the natural numbers.


  • A sequence of sets is called a monotonous sequence of sets whenever or is true.
  • As with number sequences, the limes superior and limes inferior can be defined by sequence of sets .
  • With the help of the limes inferior and the limes superior, convergence for set sequences can also be defined. A sequence of sets converges if and only if the limes superior and the limes inferior coincide. For example, every monotonic sequence of sets converges.
