Menka (vizier)

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Menka (vizier) in hieroglyphics
n / a

Menka (Men ka)
Mn k3
(probably: Mn k3 [ .j ])
The Ka may last ; or my ka may last

Menka is the proper name of the earliest ancient Egyptian vizier known by name .

Menka appears with his name and the title Wesir ( Tjati - Ṯ3tj ) on 21 stone vessels that were found in underground galleries in the complex of the step pyramid of King Djoser of the third dynasty . This ruler used many vessels from the time of his predecessors for his burial equipment, so that it is also likely that Menka did not officiate under Djoser, but before. The exact classification of the menka therefore remains uncertain, but his term of office is usually dated to the 2nd dynasty .


  • Peter Kaplony : The inscriptions of the early Egyptian period. Vol. 1, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1963, pp. 488-89.

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Notes and individual references

  1. ^ Translation: Portal: Ägyptologie
  1. ^ Pierre Lacau , Jean-Philippe Lauer : La Pyramide à degrés. Tome V. Inscriptions à l'encre sur les vases (= Fouilles a Saqqarah. Le Caire 1959-1965). Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 1965, pp. 1–3, plate 1.