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Merogaisus was a Frankish petty king in the 4th century.

Little is known about Merogaisus; he possibly belonged to the tribe of the Brukterer . He was defeated by Constantine the Great around 306 and thrown together with the captured Frankish king Ascaricus to the animals in the amphitheater of Augusta Treverorum (today's Trier ). Both had advanced into Roman territory but were eventually intercepted and defeated by Constantine. It is possible that Merogaisus was one of the first representatives of the Merovingians along with Merobaudes .



  1. Cf. the anonymous Panegyrikus on Constantine from the year 310: Panegyrici latini 7 (6), 10–12 (in particular 7,11,5, where the names are mentioned); 10.16.5-6; Eutropius 10.3.2.