Meta (mythology)

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Meta ( ancient Greek Μήτα ) is a person from Greek mythology .

She appears in the library of Apollodorus as the daughter of Hoples and the first wife of the Athenian king Aigeus . In other traditions of the myth, this daughter of Hoples is called Melite , which is why it was discussed whether the non-Attic name Meta is a transcription error or whether the original name was changed to the Attic name Melite.



  1. Libraries of Apollodor 3, 15, 6. This is followed by Johannes Tzetzes , Scholien zu Lykophrons Alexandra 494.
  2. Scholia to Euripides Medea 673.
  3. See Ernst Wüst : Meta 2. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume XV, 2, Stuttgart 1932, Col. 1312.