Metke Poleuer

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Metke Poleuer († 1591 in Hamburg ) was a German woman who was executed on charges of witchcraft . The trial against them is considered an example of early feminist research into the history of witches .

Criminal proceedings

Metke Poleuer was known as Wickersche in Holstein , who was regarded as healing and was said to be able to cause or remove magic by means of blessing formulas. Since this was considered an “improper blessing and boeth” and Poleuer was therefore considered to be an unbeliever, an accusation of damaging magic was brought against her before the Hamburg lower court. Her criminal defense was taken over by Peter Wagenick, who portrayed his client as a "weak creature" who had allowed herself to be seduced. But she acted at the behest of “good people”, i.e. respected citizens, and caused no damage.

The court sentenced Poleuer to death by burning. Hamburg's Council, which perceived the function of urban Superior Court revoked that decision after Poleuers judgment scolding not on 15 January 1591st
