Michael Logan (Author)

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Michael Logan (born before 1936) is a 20th century writer about whom little is known.

Michael Logan wrote the script for the French comedy Fanfare d'Amour with Robert Thoeren in 1936 . The first remake was made in 1951 with the German film Fanfares der Liebe by Kurt Hoffmann . In 1959 Logan's story with Marilyn Monroe , Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon was filmed again, namely as Some Like It Hot by Billy Wilder . However, unlike Hoffmann, Wilder had only adopted some parts of Logan's original script and added new elements instead. Some like it hot became a global success and later ran as a musical on Broadway, among other things . In 1966 a novel by Logan was filmed as Carré de dames pour un as with Roger Hanin in the lead role.

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